Grizzly Bear's Veckatimest is fantastic. I mean it probably would have taken my number one spot had it not been for this goddamn band that i cannot get over, cannot shut up about... but I'm getting ahead of myself. I can imagine that creating an album after Yellow House would be no easy task, but i can assure you that not only did GB rise to the challenge, they got even better. I was lucky enough to see Grizzly Bear a few years back at The Social. I remember I hadn't even heard of Grizzly Bear; I was there for The Books (sidenote: one of the best shows I've ever been to.) Anyways, it was when they were touring for Horn of Plenty and I think recording Yellow House. They were nice guys, had a great show, but i remember thinking that they were still looking for a sound. There were lots of great ideas, they just weren't grounded. If Yellow House was a step in the right direction, Veckatimest is a fucking leap. Songs are warmer; you can actually sing along if you want. (Try not doing the OHH-OO-OHH-OO-WHOA-OOS! on "Two Weeks." Impossible.) Now you can not like this about them. You can not like that they are more accessible, or that they have number one songs on Billboard. But I don't think Grizzly Bear is destined to be some indie jewel. I think they're gonna be huge. And I hope they do. If you're making music like this, everyone should hear it. The album kind of drags at the end but those first eight or nine tracks deliver. I have to say they made my favorite song of the year with "Cheerleader." It alone is worth the purchase of the album. The lala player doesn't have their album up which is weird, so sorry you will have to listen elsewhere.
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