The first time i heard "Young Hearts Spark Fire" I was immediately taken back to that post high school but pre college year where i had no idea what i was going to do with my life. My friends and I were too young to drink but we would always hang out, (jesus, what did we do?) Anyways, it reminded me of driving around listening to Cap'n Jazz and me yelling Tim Kinsella's nonsense lyrics out as loud as i could. Now Japandroids doesn't really sound like Cap'n Jazz, but the aesthetic and nostalgia is definitely there. There is something refreshing about Post-Nothing in that it's not flashy, it's not arrogant; it just is what it is: one guitar player and one drummer who sing their hearts out. Opener "The Boys are Leaving Town" is simple and straightforward with just three notes starting off, but god does he play the hell out of them. They only sing "The boys are leaving town/Will we find are way back home." But the way they present it will have you yelling with them. "Young Hearts Spark Fire" is my favorite song on the album and one of my favorites all year. With lines like "You can keep tomorrow/I can do without/We're not gonna need it," and "We used to dream/Now we worry about dying," this shit brings out my nineteen year old self. All the songs have a post-punkish vibe but "Crazy/Forever" has this great kind of classic rock sound. It's three minutes of jam before they come down into this deliberate swagger, "We'll stick together forever/Be crazy forever." Album closer, "I Quit Girls" is the "slow song" of the album, building and building until the drums come crashing in. Here he sings, "she wears white/six days a week/she was just/one of those girls/and if you're lucky/on the seventh day/she'll wear nothing." "She was just one of those girls/After her i quit girls." A little bitter? Who hasn't been there? At only eight songs, Post-Nothing falls a little short, but the songs hold up. Japandroids are full of uncertainty, and they wear it on their sleeves. However, it seems they would rather party then be bogged down by it. To quote, "I don't want to worry about dying/I just want to worry about those sunshine girls."
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