Not since grandaddy has someone successfully merged the indie/folk/electronic sound into something so perfect. Let me say first off how much cLOUDDEAD fucking ruled. This was my first introduction to why?, doseone, and odd nosdam, and i literally could not believe what i was hearing. Experimental as fuck art hip-hop with devastating instrumentals? Confused? Go get it. There is nothing like them and will probably never be. They only released two proper full lengths, but it very well established each individuals career. The standout imo is why? and we learned that with last year's Alopecia. Fast forward to 2009 and he has released Eskimo Snow what he says to be part two or the other half of Alopecia. Eskimo Snow is a melancholic album. Yoni Wolf kind of half sings, half stumbles through the songs and you can hear the sadness in his voice. Opener "These Hands" is short and to the point as if to say "Well, here it is." And then "January Twenty Something" comes in with this beautiful dan deaconish moment, where he lets you know you're gonna be ok. From there on its some of the best mashup of electronic folk you'll hear. There is the playful "Into the Shadows of My Embrace" where mid-way through the song he just spits this mess of problems concluding, "But you gotta yell somethin' out or you'd never tell nobody." This is followed by "One Rose" which is dark and acoustic and i swear Yoni Wolf sounds like Leonard Cohen. "This Blackest Purse" is so pretty it reminds of Ben Folds and the closer "Eskimo Snow" looks back with no resolution. It sounds like a mid-nineties alt rock ballad via Third Eye Blind. He unsurely sings, "I'm still here/Bearing my watery fruits if fruits at all/And I'm still here/Barely understanding what truth that rarely calls." All in all Eskimo Snow has a certain something that i fell in love with. It's deeply sad, yet hopeful; harsh but thoughtful. And the music certainly evokes some feelings that everyone has felt at one time and that is what am i doing with my life? where am i going? fucking, Why?
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